Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Wishing on A Star- Rose Royce

Before this assignment, I had never heard of Mickalene Thomas. I have to be honest, she is probably one of the only black artist I know. I should have a more shameful tone when writing that. After studying her work through the provided links and the little research I was able to do, her and I are more similar than I thought. We both are annoyed with the exploitation of black women, we both admire our mothers, and we both want to be seen. Seen by something more than being a "pretty  black girl". In an interview she states,"Hyperfeminized and hyperpowerful, in disco-era fashions, some women lounge odalisque-like on couches, while others in modelesque poses stare directly at the camera." 
Thomas embraces the idea of being vulnerable to the camera. Vulnerable to the idea of femininity and actually allowing it to be captured though it is clearly outside of her comfort level. She wears a bright green dress, in which she does not wear loud colors nor dresses. Bright lipstick and what seems to be lilac flowers in her hair. Big hoops and a gold chain. In some way, she plays into the idea of exploiting the black body when she's wearing this kind of makeup, nails and jewelry. But it doesn't also, because she's voluntarily taking these pictures and it seems almost satirical and like she's trying to prove a point. I can be feminine some days, masculine others. Either way, I'm comfortable and I am in power. 

My photos are modeled after her quote, " some women lounge odalisque-like on couches, while others in modelesque poses stare directly at the camera." Some days I feel like I have the world weighing on my shoulders and can't bear to stand up straight or hold my head high. Other days, I can walk through a lions den and they would bow down to me. These photos show the dramatic and bold and confident side of me. My photos are mimicked after the black women of 1970's. They were confident, fierce and dramatic. 
Red is the color that exudes confidence. Nothing in the world will stop me from being me.

The dramatic babyhairs, the dramatic and extravagant makeup  modeled after the 1970's women. The big gold hoops and gold chain is modeled after Mickalene Thomas.  

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