Introduction to Arts, Culture & Media Fall 2019
Art of Self Invention
21: 083.101.04
Tuesdays 2:30-5:20 pm Bradley Hall 403
Department of Arts, Culture and Media – Rutgers University
Professor Doris Caçoilo
Office hours by appointment
Art of Self Invention combines art history and media studies to explore the increasingly complex relationship between our hyper-visual world of imagery and how we navigate identity and self-image. Through a focus on art, art history and self portraiture this course uses a multi-faceted approach to understanding imagery that combines media theory, cultural analysis, art history and art practice. This course addresses a need to have the language, knowledge, experience and critical tools necessary to explore the role images and self portraiture play in contemporary art, society and culture.
This course encourages a broader consideration of citizenship by thinking critically about the relationship of identity, images, values and ideals in a highly complex visual world. Conscientious and global citizenship is also honed by examining cultural representations of people and bodies and the affect these visual representations have on personal, social and cultural values.
Students will be able to identify major artists, their works, and their stylistic characteristics in different periods. Students will develop the ability to create thoughtful and engaging projects and writing assignments exploring art methods, art history, media studies, sociology and identity politics. In addition to a rigorous reading schedule students are required to attend two class trips, write various projects for the class blog and sustain continued research and production towards their semester project throughout the semester.
Feedback from classmates is a valuable resource for the improvement of student work. Critiques and discussions allow us to share our analysis of the readings with each other and express our intentions and interpretations. Class participation is essential.
Class sessions will be divided into group presentations, lecture and class discussion of the readings. Presentations will address both theoretical and analytical issues related to self portraiture and art. Students are responsible to be prepared for class, read all assignments on time and post all writing and projects to the blog, paying attention to technical and aesthetic presentation as well as thoughtful and well-developed content. All work must be handed in on time.
- Students will gain knowledge of a large set of art objects from a variety of cultures and periods.
- Students will be able to apply Art Historical concepts and vocabulary.
- Students will become adept at visual analysis of works of art in a variety of media.
- Students will learn how to communicate effectively about art.
- Understand the role of the artist/designer in producing two-dimensional images within a social and cultural context.
- Explore the relationship of imagery and visual perception to our sense of self and identity.
- Adopt a critical posture in the consumption and production of artwork, images and photographs.
- Examine the capacity and ease of capturing, producing and sharing images and the role this plays in navigating personal, social and cultural communities.
- Experiment in projects that employ the elements of art and design and produce compositions in various media.
- Integrate the research of historical and contemporary artists and designers into visual arts projects.
Our class time will be split between discussion, lecture, studio time and presentations. You must be in class ON TIME and prepared for class each week. Failure to do so will be reflected in your participation grade. Failure to do so consistently can lead to failure in the course.
READINGS Various weekly reading assignments will be assigned from your required texts and linked on the blog. The full reading schedule will be distributed on the class blog. Readings are due each week. All readings are REQUIRED unless otherwise stated.
The Art of Self Invention by Joanne Finkelstein, I.B. Tauris, London: 2007
Ways of Seeing by John Berger, British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books: New York 1990
Additional readings on Blackboard and linked online.
CLASS PARTICIPATION Attendance and participation in the class discussion when appropriate and in critique and comments on the blog and twitter is part of your participation grade. For each week’s readings you must select two quotes or passages from the readings and write a brief description or reaction to each quote. I will often collect these. Please have them written or typed on a sheet of paper you can hand to me with your name on it each week. I will call on students each week during discussion to read and discuss these quotes. You must have these prepared for each reading.
TWITTER *(Extra credit +2pts) You must create a twitter account (if you do not have one already) we will share links and comments with each other using the class hashtag #ACMartofself
WEEKLY SELFIES Students must create a digital self portrait each week that explores and connects to the weeks readings and artists discussed in class. Specific details and requirements for each weeks selfie will be posted on the class blog.
WRITING ASSIGNMENTS You must consult the class blog weekly (even several times per week) to check for announcements, readings and to post your project updates and writing assignments. The blog is crucial to the course and completion of the requirements. You MUST have access to the blog to complete assignments, readings, post work and comment on students’ posts.
CLASS PRESENTATIONS Students will each present the work of an artist(s) who works with the self and self portraiture as a recurring theme in their work. Presentations must be between 10-15 minutes and should include a short discussion with the class. Presentations must include a visual presentation of images, video or other materials to help illustrate the work. Students will present once throughout the semester. This schedule will be determined in class on the second week of classes.
Students will explore various media and processes to create two self portrait projects. The midterm and final projects will be an exploration in self representation, narrative, meaning and research. Proposals and updates as the works are in progress will be due ahead of the midterm and final in class and on the blog.
MIDTERM Using the artists discussed in class as inspiration compose an image that captures a self-portrait. Students can choose any media to explore in the creation of their self portrait. A written proposal and sketch/outline will be required two weeks before the midterm. Students will post their self portraits to the blog along with a short essay addressing subject, meaning and self imagery.
FINAL Choosing any one or combination of processes that you have explored during the semester, compose an image that captures a self-portrait. The final project must connect and go beyond the project made at midterm and explore a more complex process as well as meaning. Students must present their projects with a well researched essay connecting their work to contemporary and art historical influences and references. Students must also write a proposal to publish or exhibit the work(s).
Attendance is mandatory. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class, and will be considered when determining the final course grade. More than four (4) unexcused absences will result in the loss of all attendance/participation credit (20%) for the class. Class begins on time, so you must be punctual. Lateness, leaving early or leaving class unexcused for an extended period of time will also be recorded. Two of these instances will count as one absence. Please communicate with me if you will be/have been absent. If your absence should be excused please speak with the professor as soon as possible.
You are required to make up any and all work that is missed if you are absent. As work will not be accepted late, please contact the professor to hand in work on time. It is your responsibility to get any missed work or notes from other students in the class and to discuss any problems or questions you have with the professor.
40% semester project
20% 4 blog posts
10% weekly selfies
10% group presentation
20% attendance/participation
All readings and assignments will be specified weekly in class and on the class blog. It is the student’s responsibility to check the blog each week for required readings and assignments. All readings can be found in the required texts, online (linked from the blog) or on Blackboard.
If you ever have questions or concerns about the schedule, due dates, changes or anything else please ask me after class or e-mail me:
Class Discussion Topic
Readings/Assignments due
9/3 Introduction to Self: I as Image |
Get the books! Introduction of the course syllabus, class blog and themes |
9/10 Identity, Self and Media messages | Post 1 Due including Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings Susan Sontag excerpt from On Photography (linked from the blog) and Readings on Cindy Sherman |
9/17 Autobiography | Finkelstein, Introduction pgs 1-36 Check the blog for additional readings Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings |
9/24 Imposter, Disguise | Finkelstein, Chapter 1 pgs 42-72 John Berger Ways of Seeing Ch 1 Check the blog for additional readings Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings Paul Robeson Gallery -Class Visit |
10/1 Behavior: Manners, Norns and, Value | Finkelstein, Chapter 2 Manners pgs. 75-117 John Berger Chapters 4+5 Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings GROUP 1 PRESENTS |
10/8 Behavior: Manners, Norms and Value |
Post 2 Due John Berger Chapters 2+3, On Blackboard: bell hooks Understanding Patriarchy and The Oppositional Gaze, Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings Midterm proposal/outline/sketches due GROUP 2 PRESENTS |
10/15 Art, Activism and Self |
Gallery Visit - Class Trip ++Meet 2:30pm at the Paul Robeson Gallery 50 Halsey Street 3rd Floor Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings Midterm proposal/outline/sketches due |
10/22 MIDTERM | Self Portrait Project Midterm Presentations in Class |
10/29 Looking Good Industry | Finkelstein, Chapter 3 pgs 121-144 Check the blog for additional readings. Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings GROUP 3 PRESENTS |
11/5 Looking Good Industry | Finkelstein, Chapter 4+5 Advertising and Fashion pgs 148-216, John Berger Ch 7 Check the blog for additional readings. Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings GROUP 4 PRESENTS |
11/12 The Spectacle, #selfie, celebrity |
Guy Debord Society of the Spectacle online Check the blog for additional readings. Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings GROUP 5 PRESENTS |
FRIDAY 11/15 Class will be held at the Montclair Museum on FRIDAY 11/15++++ Self-representation, story-telling and power There will be no class on Tuesday 11/19 |
Montclair Museum Visit - Class Trip on FRIDAY 11/15 At 12pm. All students will meet at the Museum! See the blog for readings due. Weekly ‘selfie’ in response to the readings |
11/26 NO CLASS! (Thursday Schedule) | NO CLASS!! Check the blog for readings due WORK ON YOUR FINAL PROJECT! |
FINAL SELF PORTRAIT PROJECTS must be documented and posted to the class blog the day before (on 12/9) by 11PM. |
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