The inspiration behind the composition of my image is the lady holding up the scale of justice. I made that choice because I felt it best portrayed the image I wanted to show in my head. In terms of the process, I used acrylic paint and painted most of the piece; a piece of fabric to pin to represent the dress, and a craft object to use as the crown. I made those decisions based on what was most suitable for my idea.
For this project I used inspiration from Carrie Mae Weems, not in terms of her techniques but in terms of her idea behind her kitchen table series. In this series she shows a mom doing something and the child following that. So, for my project, the things my mom went through and overcame enabled me to have different perspectives in different areas of my life.
Despite the use of a piece of fabric I would still categorize my work as a painting. I would hope that my project converts the strength of a woman and even community to my viewers.
In my image the woman is being weighed down by certain baggage on one hand whilst trying to be uplifted by some other scales in the opposite hand. The items depicted in the baggage that are weighing her down depicts the struggles my mom faced. Each of these struggles taught me a lesson and influenced me to go about things differently. In the same way, the things that were there to uplift her influenced me in that some of those things are in my life right now.
At the bottom of the image is two hands, used to represent community. There's a Guyanese proverb that says “hand wash hand mek hand come clean." This means that we can help each other out to make things easier for each of us. It just the importance of support. My mom received great support and assistance from those around her. In turn, we were all a family. Today, it’s enabled me to know the value of correction. I’m that older cousin who is always trying to lead my younger family members in the right direction.
The spectacle is like a propaganda, it is everywhere in everyday objects and images trying to convince us of an issue, a change that we don't necessarily need to make, and trying to promote ideas that don't necessarily help us. If my project was to exit in the spectacle I believe it would be in terms of single motherhood. It would either try to convince my mom of things that she 'needs' so that she can survive with two children, or it would shine the spotlight mostly on the absence of my father.
The difference between my midterm project and my final would be my techniques, as well as process.
My mom
Carrie Mae Weems, The Kitchen Table series
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