Monday, December 9, 2019

Me, Myself and I: Final project

Me, Myself and I
My subject is about painting. The content of my painting is having three layers of myself represented in the painting. I chose to do something different like this, because I wanted to show how diverse I am as a photographer, painter and model. I used acrylic to paint my canvas. The steps were to make something interesting and having three layers of myself in the painting. I categorize my work as a collage because I am using photos of myself as an inspiration to make the painting. “Yet when an image is presented as work of art, the way people look at it is affected by a whole series of learnt assumptions about art” (pg. 11 from Way of See by Berger)  

Fahamu Pecou
The artist that appropriate me is Fahamu Pecou.  His work is on the (Rock.Well: Radiant, Pop, Champ, 2010). Rock.Well: Radiant, Pop, Champ references Norman Rockwell’s Triple Self-Portrait. The work was created along with a broader collection of paintings that reimagined famous artist self-portraits. The idea being is that by challenging the understanding and appreciation of the referenced artworks and juxtaposing my own ideas within the context of the dialogue of the original source material.  I hope to build upon the ideas of these artists and create a brand-new dialogue. How does my painting convey to the audience? I hope they see the hard work I do and how diverse I am in trying to put all of me in one painting.  

The differences between my first self-portrait (midterm) and this self-portrait (final)? With the midterm it’s about who I am as a Gemini and that why my title is (Mind of a Gemini) and that is why a person can go inside of my mind to see different photos of myself and how crazy it is as a collage. Now I’m doing a different medium in painting, but still a collage of three layers of myself and what I do in photography, painting and modeling. So, what influenced these changes? Again, I wanted to do something different, because I wanted to show how diverse I am as a photographer, painter and model and how I use the painting acrylic on canvas.

How does the media and its images influence identity and self-presentation? For me the media influenced me with identity and self-presentation with social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Looking at this “model” on Instagram, some people say this is how a person should look and act, I say this ridiculous to me as a photographer. But I feel my images influence identity like me editing my photos to say this is how a person should look like knowing it’s not. But with self-presentation it refers to how people attempt to present themselves to control or shape how others (called the audience) to view them. It involves expressing oneself and behaving in ways that create a desired impression.

What is the spectacle? How does it function today? “The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation between people that is mediated by images”. (, The society of the Spectacle, # 4) It’s about people having a conversation about an image feeling like they are right and It’s like a debate. But some images are objective, so a person can’t be right or wrong with the image. “If the new langauge of images were used differently, it would, though its use, confer a new kind of power. Within it we could begin to define our experiences more precisely in areas where words are inadequate. (Seeing comes before words.)" (pg.33 from Way of See by Berger) But I feel my project exist in the spectacle. With my project I feel the social relation between people that mediate by my image, again is to stir up a conversation good or bad.

Work Cited page

(pg. 11 & 33 from Way of See by Berger)  

(, The society of the Spectacle, # 4)

Me, Myself and I

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