Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A life in a Day

The point of my project is to present my day in sounds. I wanted this project to see a rollercoaster or adventure and to experience it all without sight. Taking away one of the senses allows the other sense to heighten and for them to pay attention to what they’re hearing. All the sounds that
I utilized are in my everyday life. I used those sounds to connect the audience to my body and my entire life to further to dimension of the original sound. For example I utilized an explosion from a video game to represent the explosion that happens in my mind when it’s 7 am and I have already experienced this much emotion. But the video game sounds itself represents my family because now my weekends are filled with brothers and nephews who come over my house every weekend and play videos with so much life. It’s a time when my whole family is in one room bonding. They are part of who I am today and who I will grow to be. The video I posted is simply a collage of sounds put together to create these emotions. I also uploaded the poem that goes along. 

The reason I chose to a performance art sensory experience is because last project I created my own art piece. So this time I wanted to create an art piece closer to home. I am a music and English major who grew up writing poetry, even from the beginning when I had no clue what it was. Music is becoming the center of my life and so is sound. I’m learning that certain sounds evoke feeling, certain sounds evoke anxiety and this will forever be apart of my life. So I wanted the class to experience something they may never have before. What also inspired me was when I was in Argentina I went to this event that put a group of people in a dark room, so dark you couldn’t see the person next to you. They then told us there were speakers all around the room and we would experience Queen in a way would never have before. They were right, beyond measures. There is sometime about having a sense taken away that allows you to experience life in a different way. I was inspected by Andy Warhol’s multimedia experience with his band he was managing. In a way Warhol gave his audience sensory overload. But I wanted to heighten certain senses. 

In my opinion this Artwork will take the audience to another place. It will allow the audience to go into my bubble and my world. It may even bring them to their own world because they may be able to connect to certain sounds or certain aspects of my life. I wanted this self portrait to be about me and how everyday worldly things have impacted my life. How I can be here yet, be in another place at the same time. The mind constantly wondering while you’re going through your day. I wanted everyone to see themselves in this self portrait. Which is why the only job the audience has is to listen, because not only are they experiencing life through the sounds but also through my words. I believe the audience will be able to be taken to another world, or be able to be go deeper into their own.  

My first self portrait was about the constant rebirth and death of myself. I too this idea of the female sex organ and expanded what it means to be this sex organ. Showing that as a female at times you are only seen through that organ. But the death was me redefining what it meant to me, showing the beauty and how even though having this organ has caused me pain or our a different lens on my eyes,
it was now time for me to take back that lens, take back that pain, forgive myself and allow this idea
that I have of what if means to hold such a valuable thing to grow. This project is about so much more. It is about how everyday aspects and outside things that I cannot control have got into my bubble and my world and has effected me greatly. At the end of the poem it is the sound of me getting in that train. The sound of me ending my day, but that sound also represents my awakened time. The
Time when I’ve got one of my head and am allow to explore all that is around me. This is the moment I am coming to in life. I still have all these clouded thoughts and emotions but through all that eventually the sky clears and there’s clarity and I can finally be alive, even if it’s just for a moment. There was no defining moment since my midterm until now that inspired this change. But a long moment of growth and spiritual growth as well. I never realized how much sound effected me until I became a music major.

The media has a tight grip on us today. At times I can’t even watch the notes because if I do my mind will run all day about what’s going on in the world. I would never be able to pull myself out of that whole that never ends. The media and public create narratives that they expect you to where 
My project is about what happens when you where those narratives and the feeling or finally digging yourself out. They train can also represent going back home to start this all over again. 

A life in a day 

I would like to say 
I’m not afraid to die 
But fear has been my favorite guy
Can’t even watch the news 
Without wondering if my family will be the next ones to cry 
Then I get. this bubbling feeling 
Rupturing the lining if my tummy 
Darkness comes over my thoughts 
And my heart beat starts feeling funny 
Trying to check my pulse but those cpr classes did nothing 
No worries
That is not my death 
Just my mind exploding 
As my heart spills out my chest
That sound
Is not from the tears I cry
I don’t even feel those well up in my
That is how my anxiety trickles 
Me up 
Until I can’t keep the lid on
You want to know
About me 
Well ask that bitch 
She’s got the best view of everything I dismiss 
She’s never hear now 
But always there in the future 
The present doesn’t give her a break 
It just makes me want to use her
Then there’s excess 
Just so much excess 
So much overflow 
Anxiety going everywhere 
But you all will never know 
It’s like I’m drowning
Yet I’m still alive 
I can’t breathe 
But there’s life in
My eyes 
I take a step 
Then the next one too 
Next thing you know 
I’m walking home from school 
Taking my time 
Those beautiful sirens
Although misery in ones eyes 
Keeps me alive
I remember there’s a world outside the bubble where I reside 
With the lights on now I can no longer be in disguise 
For however long it last..
I will allow myself to live until I die 

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