Monday, October 21, 2019

Midterm: "Familia" and "Abuelo"

Inspired by Frida Kahlo (more specifically "My Grandparents, My Parents and Me" as well as "Nursing")

The college is titled "Familia" and it's subject of my image is family (presenting part of my family tree that’s focused on the recognition of my grandfathers death as he was the main foundation in growing and strengthening our family moving forward)

I took the photo back in September when me and my family went to my grandfather’s one year passing in dominican republic. I took the photo in front of the garden in our family house which is the house my mom and uncles grew up when they were children, which eventually was the same house me and my sister grew up for a year n a few months.)

I took a picture of my mother when she was younger and used it on top of her present/older figure to showcase just how closely related I am towards my mother for when i was younger. (reason why i took me and my sisters baby pics) That I physically wouldn’t be who i am now without my mothers genes that were passed down from my grandfathers. That they physically reflect who i am today.

I also took the pictures of the flowers n avocado trees to give it a more of a collage in a scrapbook feel as well as give it a more Hispanic feel with it’s colors.

Lastly i googled images of white butterfly to symbolize my grandfather’s passing, that now spiritually he’s a white butterfly that looks after me and my family.

I think this image sends the information of a family tree that grew up around a strong foundation that has now went to the after live, however that doesn't mean that his influence and guidance hasn't left because the white butterflies are always there to help us.

Taking some aspects of my digital collage I also created a sculpture. This sculpture called "Abuelo"and is reference of the white butterfly landing on the flowers, but instead of using flowers I decided to use a black canvas as it's landing spot. The black canvas represents the  grief me as well as my family experienced. I reason why it's placed in a diagonal is to show that a person's grief is never straight forward and a person never shows the same sign of grief everytime. The butterfly represents my grandfather as he is and will forever be the shinning light that will guide me and my family to a better future as well as remind us of his teachings that helped shaped not only me but my family as well.

I used photography, digital collage and sculpture.

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